Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

Make Up My Self!

Well, in the middle of next month will be held m graduation ceremony. That's the moment which being something that will be waited for all fresh-graduated like me n my friends. Preparing for that moment is not easy. I lil' bit busy for preparing all stuffs for my graduation ceremony. Starts with choosing 'kebaya' that fit to me, shoes, clutch bag, party hijab which simple but elegant for me, until preparing my make up. 

For that stuffs, i 'lil bit perfectionist. In my mind, i have determined for not going to saloon for make up, making simple choco-cream kebaya, and trying find out simple party hijab that i can use by myself.

Actually, i've learned my own make up a year ago when my boarding house-friend would have graduation ceremony too. She taught me how to make a make up with simple and elegant style. I also found out some references how to make up with simple and elegant style (not to much but we can see the result is good) from some women magazines.

And here i want to share some of pictures i got yesterday after make up my face. I am so sorry if the result is not maximal, because i took using my camera phone in my room, in the evening, so it lil' bit dark.

Using brownie and orange eye shadow, brownie-red for blush on, moisturizer and  loose powder from my dermatologist, sariayu 'kuning pengantin' foundation, and i didn't use mascara and eyeliner because i'm not accustomed to use that stuffs and i don't really able using that stuff by myself.

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